Our Team
Meet the Team

Our team of is dedicated to understand how blood stem cells are formed and how their function is perturbed in bone marrow failure syndromes and haematological disease. We use a mix of classical developmental biology and state of the art CRISPR technology and single cell genomics in zebrafish and cell models. Get to know us and learn more about our roles and responsibilities.
Rui Monteiro
Lead Researcher

Ben is a postdoctoral researcher in the Monteiro Lab. His work is centered around the epigenetic regulation of lineage fate decisions in haemogenic endothelium by histone deacetylases, funded by the British Heart Foundation. Ben brings years of experience in mouse and human ES cell models of haematopoiesis and expertise in bioinformatics.
Ben Edginton-White
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Lucy is a PhD student, and her project aims to understand how defects in DNA damage repair and DNA replication in our zebrafish GATA2 deficiency model lead to bone marrow failure and ultimately leukaemia. Her work is funded by Cancer Research UK.
Lucy Copper
PhD student

Grayson is a PhD student, focussing on the role of the notch ligand Dll4 in the formation of haemogenic endothelium and blood stem cells.​​
Dashuai Wu
PhD student

Postdoctoral researchers
Monica Kreksmarik
Fatma Kok
Chris Mahony
PhD students
Wenchao Gu
Tomasz Dobrzycki
MSc Students
Kacper Drukarczyk
Bea Storer-Prescott
Yichen Guo
Tianming Meng
Melita Tvardauskaite
Danchen Wang
MSc students
Amy Churchlow
Numan Amin
Sofia Browne
Wenzheng Xu
Cinzia Zichinno
Ellinor Marwick
Christos Bampos
Oliver Banks
Bahkta Fedlaoui (Erasmus+ programme)
Alice Blevins
Summer placements
Prav Nymalan (2023)
Rebecca Mulder (2024)