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Developmental Haematopoiesis and Disease Modelling Lab

Studying blood stem cells and haematopoietic disorders using zebrafish 

Confocal image of a 2dpf trangenic embryo. blood stem cells in blue, vessels in white


The Monteiro Lab are interested in the formation and differentiation of blood stem cells during embryonic development, and how mutations in key regulators of stem cell function affect these cells and their progeny in haematopoietic disorders.  We use cutting-edge CRISPR-Cas9 technology, flow cytometry, genetics  and single cell genomics in the zebrafish, mouse and human ES cells.

The Lab is based at the Department of Cancer and Genomic Sciences, Medical School, University of Birmingham, UK.


                       You can find a brief summary of some of our current projects here




If you're interested in joining the lab, see open positions or get in touch directly by email. We look forward to hear from you!​​​​


2dpf cd41-gfpkdrl-dsred uninjected tiled scan6x1_2 magenta_cropped for website_edited.jpg

Now recruiting PhD students!
1. Clinical PhD studentship - GATA2 variants in paediatric leukaemia - APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED
2. non-clinical PhD studentship (MIBTP doctoral programme) - epigenetic regulation of cell fate - APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED 


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